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Clarksfield Levy

Informational Page for the Proposed 2023 Fire and EMS levy.


Clarksfield Township has placed a Fire & EMS levy on the ballot November 7th at a rate of 2.25 mills for 5 years.

How would funds be used? 

  • Funding from the proposed Fire and EMS levy would be used to continue to provide Fire and EMS services to the residents and visitors of Clarksfield Township.

  • EMS services are provided by Citizens Ambulance Service in the entire township.

  • Fire services are provided by the Wakeman  Fire District north of Ferry road and New London Fire Department south of Ferry road.  

Why is funding needed? 

  • Currently Clarksfield Township is the only township in Huron County that does not fund Fire and EMS services through a levy or joint Fire or EMS district. 

  • This means funding for Fire and EMS must come out of the general operating budget.

  • The cost of Fire and EMS coverage now exceeds available funding.

  • In order to ensure Clarksfield Township residents continue to have adequate protection in the event of an emergency, a dedicated funding source is necessary. 

How much will the Fire and EMS Levy cost? 
Cost to $100,000 home owner:  $6.56 per month.

If the levy fails what will happen? 
The township will not have sufficient funds available to continue to contract for

Fire and EMS services out of the general budget. 


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